The collaboration solutions offered by Gematica allow to improve company productivity by tearing down distances, costs and time. These are solutions based on a number of hardware and software technologies that allow to communicate better and faster both inside and outside the company. PCs, mobile devices, screens, interactive whiteboards and instant messaging systems can be used to optimize collaboration, training and remote support.
The solutions can operate in remote support, training and meeting & team collaboration mode, providing the timely management of problems, critical issues or failures, the training of resources scattered throughout the Country and the implementation of smart working solutions.
ReXeT – Remote eXpert eTraining

Remote support: In remote support mode, the solution makes it possible for a remote expert to provide support to an operator/maintenance technician on site, even from thousands of miles away. This allows to solve issues or critical situations in a timely manner while reducing travel expenses. The solution can be either used to coordinated in-house operations with your own employees or to provide support for customers on site.
The on-site operator, if he or she needs to solve a problem, can use the smart goggles that send video and audio flows to the remote expert. The expert observes the streaming videos from his or her desktop and guides the operator by giving instructions through a microphone. If necessary, the expert can send files (manuals, datasheets, etc.) which the operator can visualize by tablet.
Training: In training mode, the solution allows the learner to follow remotely the operations carried out by the demonstrator on site (laboratory, production area, etc.). Learners can observe the demonstrator from his or her point of view (he or she will be actually equipped with smart goggles that send video flows in streaming) or through cameras installed in strategic spots of the on-the-job training area.
Lectures, instead, can be also carried out remotely. Through hardware and software devices, any space becomes a virtual room. In fact, the solution provides for the use of: smart whiteboard displayed also on the desktops of remote learners, camera to observe what is happening in the classroom, microphones and loudspeakers to interact also with those who are not physically present.

The meeting & team collaboration mode allows to plan and hold online meetings in a simple way and with high-quality videos. The solution enables to smart working and gives the possibility to “meet” anywhere by simply connecting from a fixed or mobile device, such as PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.
Through videoconference it is possible to invite attendees, share and send documents and applications, share the screen, send or receive messages, record the meeting and use third-party tools and applications.
The solution therefore allows to speed up the decision-making process and the projects, optimize collaborations, increase the customer engagement and strengthen business partnerships.